“Words have the power to both destroy and heal. When words are both true and kind, they can change our world.” – Buddha  

The words that we chose, Language, is an extraordinary tool.  They serve as gateways to our innermost thoughts, emotions and the way we perceive the world. They are a primary means of connection. Through language, we get closer or more distant from those around us.  With words, we articulate our ideas and share experiences. 

The Relationship Between Language and Perception

Spiritual teacher Caroline Myss emphasizes the profound influence that language has on our physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. According to Myss, the words we choose to use and the intentions behind them hold tremendous power in shaping how we understand and interpret our reality. 

Language and the words we use are intricately linked to our perception of the world. The words we choose to describe our experiences shape how we remember and recall them.  

Brené Brown writes that the words we use to tell our stories have as much of an impact on our subjective experience of the story as what happened.   

For example, consider the difference between describing an event as a “disaster” versus an “opportunity for growth.” On the golf course, I am dismayed to hear someone call themselves an idiot for a bad shot versus saying “Well, I get to start again at the next hole”.  The language we use not only reflects our thoughts and emotions but also influences how we perceive and remember the event. By consciously selecting our words, we actively shape our psychological interpretation of experiences.

Myss emphasizes that words carry energetic imprints. The words we speak, hear or even think have an energetic resonance that can affect us on various levels. Positive, affirming words uplift and inspire, while negative or harmful words can create energetic imbalances and contribute to emotional and physical distress. 

The Power of Affirmations

For some people saying affirmations is hooky.  But affirmations are a powerful manifestation of the influence of language on our psychological world, especially if you have a negative inner critic that relentlessly looks for a place to dismiss.   By consciously selecting and repeating positive statements, we can reprogram our unconscious mind, shifting our beliefs and attitudes. For instance, regularly affirming, “I am capable and deserving of success” can help cultivate a mindset of self-belief and open doors to opportunities. Affirmations harness the transformative power of language, enabling us to create a positive internal dialogue that shapes our perception and motivates us to take action.

We use words to shape our identity. The words we use to describe ourselves, both internally and externally, contribute to our sense of self. When we consistently use empowering and positive language to describe our abilities, characteristics, and potential, we reinforce a positive self-image. On the other hand, if we habitually use self-deprecating or negative language, we may unknowingly undermine our self-esteem and limit our potential. By choosing our words mindfully, we can create a more empowering and authentic self-identity.

Language and Emotional Expression

Language serves as a crucial tool for expressing and understanding emotions. The words we choose to describe our emotions not only communicate our internal state but also influence how we experience and regulate them. By expanding our emotional vocabulary, we can gain a deeper understanding of our emotions and effectively communicate them to others. Moreover, research suggests that labelling our emotions with precise words can aid in emotional regulation, allowing us to navigate and manage our emotional experiences more effectively.

Healing Power of Words 

The words that we use can be incredibly healing.  They penetrate deeply into our psyche and promote emotional and physical well-being. Conversely, hurtful words can cause emotional wounds that require healing and transformation.


Try to really listen to yourself when you are speaking. What are the words that you use?  Can you become aware of what is going on behind them about how you see the world?  

Christina Becker
June 2023

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